Alone In Kyoto

A blog I rarely update.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Picture of the day

Seen: The Ukyo-Ku Ward Office.


  • At 30 October 2006 at 18:41, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Smoking weed is quite heavy criminal in Japan. It is same as taking other drugs.
    Many foreigners are arrested because of smoking weed.
    I think they just don't know that. Police men need to inform this!

  • At 30 October 2006 at 20:28, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So is the heart the innocent victim being pushed into drugs, or is it the white guy? He is the one kind of saying no after all, but then again the drug pusher guy (I assume he's the drug pusher guy since he's mean and has teeth) is actually a shadow of the white guy.

    That would mean that the drug pusher guy is actually the white guy trying to protect the smiling heart. This doesn't seem to make sense, unless you see the artwork as a metaphor for the inner struggle in one's mind. Where the good white guy is the conscience and the bad black vampire shadow is the temptation. They seem to be one and the same and are both reaching for the subject's heart.

  • At 31 October 2006 at 08:07, Blogger Lisa said…

    Ok guys, well to be honest I just thought it was a cool poster, and didn't really notice that it was a drugs poster in particular. I have a collection of this type of poster and flyers now on the walls of my room.

    But, since we're getting into this, looking at it I would interpret the black thing as "drugs", the guy in the middle as the target audience, and the heart as "life". Pretty simple I suppose.

    And as far as the weed thing goes, there is a guy on campus who smokes something suspicious at the same time on the same bench every day, I don't know much about smoking but I'm assuming one doesn't inhale a normal cigarette in that way, or spend like 20 minutes on one either. May I add this guy appears to have no friends.

  • At 31 October 2006 at 12:22, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That poster is absolute genius.

  • At 3 November 2006 at 19:52, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I would say the little white guy is a 'teacher' pointing out (with his little pointer!) that it is wise, to ensure a good & healthy life (heart), to say 'No' to drugs', despite the exhortations of the big, black Evil One...
    (basically, same as the previous commentator!)


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